Beauty and Value
in the
Somerset Hills
and Surrounding Towns
Ross Construction LLC is a full service Residential General Contracting and Remodeling Company established in Gladstone, NJ. Since opening our doors in 1993, we’ve built a strong reputation for Intricate Renovations, Historic Restorations, and Custom Millwork.

Scott Ross’s Background…
- 42 Years in the Construction Industry
Project Management, Estimating, Scheduling, and Carpentry - 46 Years Woodworking/Millwork Experience
Cabinetry, Bookcases, Mantels, Windows and Doors - Zoning Officer - Bedminster Township (1984-87)
- Member - Bedminster Board of Adjustment (1987-88)
- Member - Peapack-Gladstone Board of Adjustment (1988-96)
- Bucknell University - Graduate, B.S. Civil Engineering
- Institute for the Study of Classical Architecture - Student (1995-96)
- Licensed Building Inspector (DCA) - (1986-Current)
- Licensed Fire Inspector (DFS) - (2013-Current)
- Licensed Subcode Official (1988 – Current)
- Licensed Construction Code Official - (1992-Current)
- Licensed Real Estate Agent - (1981-1995)
- Home Improvement Contractor License number - 13VH00541500

Meticulous Quality, Design and Craftsmanship…

- Kitchen Renovations
- Bathroom Alterations
- House Additions
- Whole House Renovations
- Office Interiors
- Secret Rooms

- Paneled Room Interiors
- Cabinetry & Built-ins
- Custom Trim
- Mantels
- Doors & Sash
- Hidden Doors

- Historic Restoration
- Interior Repairs
- Millwork Restoration
- Molding Replication
- Window Preservation